广州汇誉金属制品有限公司多年来一直致力于管道连接系统及配件、汽车冲压件的设计、生产和开发,并提供完善的售后服务。公司生产的各型卡箍、法兰等配件已经涵盖了商业及工业的应用,包括:汽车行业、石化生产、食品、农业及航空航天等。其中重型卡箍系列在一些特殊应用中(高温1200F,振动4G)有非常优异的表现。我们承诺提供越的产品及客户服务,从产品的设计输入到出货的整个过程,您都会获得无限的支持。Pamergrip products is a professional manufacturer of stainless steel T-bolt band clamps, Barrel hardware Clamps, V-band clamps/Couplings and flangers, etc. We serve commercial and industrial companies in a wide variety of markets ranging from the automotive industry to the waste water treatment industry. Our ability to offer top quality products, design engineering expertise, friendly customer service, and on-time delivery make Palmergrip the best choice for all your fastening applications. Our heavy duty clamps series are outstanding to serve in some applications like high temperature(1200F), high vibration(4G) applications.