


  • 公司: 湖州悦嘻除虫灭鼠灭蟑螂灭白蚁公司
  • 地址: 浙江 湖州
  • 联系: 曹晓晓
  • 手机: 18969278007
  • 一键开店

湖州悦嘻环保技术服务公司是专业从事虫控服务(虫害咨询、防治、控制)的PMP(Pest Management Professional)公司,以优质的服务品质为湖州(吴兴,南浔,长兴,安吉,德清)地区提供:除虫灭鼠,抓老鼠,灭蟑螂,杀苍蝇,灭蚊子,除四害,白蚁防治,除害虫,除甲醛,甲醛治理等业务。公司拥有经过专业技能培训的服务团队,配备了现代化虫控设备,具有大型场所的虫害管理能力,凭借多年的服务经验,自主研制、开发了各类虫控器械,并将其运用于实践,在虫害控制过程中,注重对环境的保护,采用国际领域通行的IPM ( Integrated Pest Management )虫害综合管理方案,以“尽可能少用一滴化学药水、尽可能让客户少花一分钱、尽可能让我们多一份健康”为宗旨,目前已为超过16000多家的客户提供了专业、优质的服务,取得了良好的社会效应。 Yuexi Environment Technology CO., LTD is specialized PMP company (Pest Management Professional),With the best quality of service in Huzhou (Wuxing, Nanxun, Changxin, Anji, Deqing), it provides the services of killing rats, catching mice, killing cockroaches, killing flies, killing mosquitoes, killing four pests ,Formaldehyde removal, formaldehyde treatment,and preventing termites,The company has a service team with professional skill training, equipped with modern pest control equipments, with the ability to manage the insect pest in the large places, with many years of service experience, the company has independently developed and researched all kinds of pest control equipments, and applied them in practice, in the pest-controlling process, we pay attention to the protection of the environment, adopt IPM (Integrated Pest Management) Integrated Pest Management Plan that is popularized in the international field, taking “as little as possible with a drop of chemical potion, as little as money the customer spends, as much as possible we can be healthy” as the purpose, and currently we have supplied professional and high-qualified service for over 16000 companies, and achieved good social effect.



  • 主营: 湖州除虫,湖州灭老鼠
  • 地址: 浙江 湖州
  • 联系: 曹晓晓
  • 手机: 18969278007
  • 本站共被浏览过 5544 次

